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Batons are a great easy-to-carry, non-lethal self-defense option for civilians and police officers. Browse our selection of fixed or collapsible batons and stun batons to protect yourself and your home.


expandable batons

Expandable Batons


Automatic Expandable Batons

baton keychain

Self Defense Baton Keychain

Police Batons

Police Batons

Pink Batons

Pink Batons

Flashlight Batons

Baton Flashlights

Stun Batons

Stun Batons - Electric Batons

Baton Accessories

Baton Accessories & Attachments

ASP® Police Batons

ASP Baton

Streetwise® Batons

Streetwise Batons


What is a Baton?

A baton, also commonly referred to as a truncheon, nightstick, or billy club, is a simple yet effective self-defense weapon. It’s essentially a short stick that can be used to strike an attacker, delivering enough force to incapacitate them without causing permanent damage. This makes batons a popular choice for civilians and law enforcement personnel alike.

Are Batons Good for Self-Defense?

A baton is an excellent option as a self-defense weapon for personal safety if used correctly. Advantages of a baton for self-defense include:

  • With a baton, you can maintain a safer distance from an intruder, especially if you can extend the baton into them if they’re too close.
  • A baton can be used for both defense and offense, as it can be used to block and strike.
  • A baton is a less lethal weapon than other devices, such as a handgun or pocket knife.
  • You can carry your baton on your person with a nylon holster or other type of holster just like you would pepper spray, a taser, or a stun gun.
  • Is It Illegal to Carry Around a Baton?

    Batons and sticks are generally legal to own, except in California, where civilians are not allowed to carry or own them. In Massachusetts, New York, and Washington D.C., batons are illegal to carry but legal to own for home use. There are no federal laws against carrying expandable batons.

    While police batons are mainly used for law enforcement purposes, they are incredible self-defense tools in your home in case of an emergency or intruder. Keep in mind that while they are legal to own in most states, if you use them on someone, you could face legal repercussions and charges such as assault if misused. Check local laws in your state for baton carry and use.

    What Are the Differences Between a Fixed and a Collapsible Self-defense Baton?

    There are several different types of batons, but most often, you’ll need to choose between a fixed and collapsible baton. A fixed baton stays the same size, while a collapsible or expandable baton can be made smaller so it’s easier to store in a nightstand or dresser drawer.

    A concealable baton is a great personal defense option because its functionality makes it easy to act with a simple push button or wrist flick that lengthens the device instantly. A fixed baton is more straightforward in that it’s similar to a baseball bat or nightstick, ready to go when you need it most. Both can be stored in a baton holder or Talon polymer holster, while a collapsible baton can be stored and concealed almost anywhere due to its smaller size.

    How Do You Properly Use a Self-defense Baton?

    The best way to hold a baton is to place your thumb on the side, close up your fingers, and then turn around so your arm moves from your shoulder to your hips.

    When swinging the baton, you want to make sure you keep your arm close to your body. You should also keep your hand in a fist and tuck your thumb inside.

    When using a baton to induce pain, aim for the meaty part of the thighs or arms. Give hard, full swings and swing all the way through, back and forth. Remember, this is a less-than-lethal defensive technique, so never swing toward the face or head.

    Learn more about using a baton for self-defense in our blog.

    How Much Does a Real Baton Cost?

    At The Home Security Superstore, we sell batons that cost from $18.99 to $233, depending on their quality, material, and design. Batons can be made of materials like airweight foam, which is lighter and easy to carry on your body, and solid steel, which is heavier and packs a lot of punch. Some batons have different uses, from martial arts to glass breakers to deadly force.

    What Types of Batons Do You Offer?

    We offer self-defense batons from several brands, including ASP batons, Kwik Force, Police Force Tactical, Rothco, Safety Tech, Streetwise, Tiger USA, and Zap.

    Protect Yourself Today

    Finding the best baton for your home is as easy as browsing our selection of great deals. Whether you settle on a police baton for sale or a flashlight baton, you will feel better prepared to protect yourself in nearly any scenario.

    The most important thing is to be comfortable with your choice and to practice using it. Remember also that just having a baton isn’t always enough. You must also know how to use it effectively to ensure your safety.

    Do you still have questions about the right baton for your safety? Contact The Home Security Superstore today for help choosing the best model.

    Baton Laws and Restrictions

    DISCLAIMER, RELEASE, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER OF LIABILITY, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT: The Home Security Superstore is not responsible for any physical harm or damage from the use or misuse of self-defense weapons, including a baton purchased from us.

    By purchasing a self-defense weapon, including a baton from us, you understand that The Home Security Superstore does not warrant that you may legally purchase, possess, or carry these products according to any state or local laws. You also acknowledge that you have determined their legality before purchasing and that you are an adult of at least 18 years of age and under no legal disability.

    By purchasing a self-defense weapon, including a baton from The Home Security Superstore, the buyer warrants that he/she complies with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations regarding the item's purchase, ownership, and use. The buyer expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless The Home Security Superstore for all claims resulting directly or indirectly from the item's purchase, ownership, and use in compliance or violation of federal, state, and local laws or regulations.

    Please check local laws before ordering any self-defense weapon, including a baton.

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