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What Is The Difference Between Shooting and Non-Shooting Stun Guns?

David Artman |

In every category of business, there are copycats. The thinking is, of course, that if it’s successful for one company, why can’t we copy it and be successful at it ourselves?

In the case of tasers, which have been around for over 40 years now, it wasn’t until last year that companies started copying the technology. Perhaps there were legal reasons for it not happening sooner or maybe it was just too difficult. Reverse engineering is practiced all around the globe, so why not for tasers?

In this article we will discuss what the difference is between shooting and non-shooting stun guns. With that information in hand, you may be able to decide which one of those styles and technologies would suit you best for your personal safety and personal security needs.

First of all, non-shooting stun devices are handheld products that have two or more prongs on one end that conduct electricity generated by a battery or rechargeable technology. When that end of the device is applied to an assailant for as little as 3 to 5 seconds, the electrical charge causes some pain, but it also causes disorientation and a certain amount of confusion. The main thing that it does, though, is seize up the muscles so they are unable to perform.

Non-shooting stun devices use high voltage and low amperage to accomplish this task. It is the amperage that is the dangerous part.

Shooting stun guns on the other hand, use high amperage and relatively low voltage to disable an assailant with astonishing effectiveness.

All shooting stun guns operate the same way. They use a propellant to shoot out two probes that are electrified with 50,000 V or more and relatively high amperage to a distance of 15 feet or less. The probes are shot with such power that most can penetrate a half inch of clothing. Once contact is made with the body the electrical current does its work by disabling the assailant or suspect with nearly 100% effectiveness.

Tasers are the only type of stun device that require a background check, all other shooting and non-shooting stun devices require no licensing at all. It should be noted that both Shooting Stun Devices and non-shooting Womens Stun Guns are illegal in several cities and states.

Non-shooting stun devices that use higher voltage and lower amperage are only about 85 to 90% effective, on average. The other major difference is the cost. Non-shooting stun devices are considerably less expensive than shooting stun devices.

Shooting stun devices give you an opportunity to defend yourself from a distance which some people feel is worth the money.

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