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People Tracking Devices – Small GPS Tracking Options

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More and more cars are being equipped with GPS systems. They are a good selling tool for automobile manufacturers. Almost all car rental agencies have cars that are equipped with GPS systems. And everyone is familiar with what the GPS system will do. First designed by the government years ago, it features satellites high overhead that pinpoint a location with the receiver on the ground. They have become so sophisticated in recent years that they can pinpoint a location to within a few feet.

But now there are GPS devices that have new uses. GPS devices have been used to track people like jail parolees for years. Tracking devices are used up in Canada, for example, to track people who are stealing cars. Recently one of the offenders cut off his bracelet and threw it out the window of a car he was driving and it landed in the back seat of another stolen car providing police with their location.

Naturalists and oceanographers have used GPS tracking device for years to track endangered species and whales to monitor their movements and habits with great success.

Nursing homes have started installing tracking devices, like a mobile GPS, on their Alzheimer’s patients in case they wander away. It has proven extremely effective. Of course they have to get permission, but a mobile GPS is a great way to track people.

In Santa Fe, New Mexico police officials were looking for a way to track people-specifically convicted burglars and repeat offenders. Law enforcement authorities have often used GPS tracking devices to keep an eye on sex offenders, but this new pilot program allows them to monitor the movements of people convicted of property crimes. Read the story HERE.

And just recently I heard of another use of GPS systems for tracking lost dogs and cats. The point is this: GPS tracking devices are very effective at tracking people and apparently dogs and cats as well.

One of the best tracking devices to track people is the Wolf Real Time Tracker. It can track as quickly as every 10 seconds using a variety of alarms to keep you posted on what is happening. It is only 2.6 inches long and 1.4 inches wide. It weighs less than 3 ounces. It offers real-time tracking on the Internet at a reasonable rate. There is even the capability of tracking movement using your cell phone.

When you need to track anything such as packages, vehicles or especially track people a GPS device is the only way to go.

Check all of our other GPS Tracking Devices. One of them may be just what you are looking for.

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