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 15% Off Stun Guns & Pepper Sprays I Code: STUN

IP Wireless Motion Security Camera-Product Review

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IP cameras are one of the most misunderstood and undervalued pieces of equipment in the security and surveillance business. They have been around for a while but like a lot of things with new technology, it takes a while to catch on.

They are a new breed of security cameras that actually save you money because no external DVR is required. They connect directly to your computer and use the hard drive as a storage device.

IP cameras also have the capability that is very special: that of remote viewing. Remote viewing allows you the opportunity to see what you’re camera lens is seeing from anywhere that you can get an Internet connection. You simply log into the Internet address of the camera and you’re good to go. It’s that easy.

This unlike many other cameras of this type it uses channels that prevent it from interfering with routers. It requires an operating system of Windows XP or better.

It has amazing video quality and has vision all away up to 100 meters or 300 plus feet or about the length of a football field. A buzzing sound alerts you when motion is detected.

The major capability of this IP Security Camera is for remote viewing. The remote viewing capability literally allows you to be in two places at one time. If you have a vacation home for example in another state and only go there occasionally, you can hook up this camera there and watch what is going on from anywhere in the world that you can get an Internet connection by simply logging into the IP address.

If you have a business and suspect things are going south after you walk out the door an IP camera will allow you to see what’s going on at your business when you’re on vacation or when you’re at home or any time that you’re away from your place of business.

There are many other uses for this IP wireless motion security camera including home security and business security as probably the two most popular. It can also be used as a nanny camera or any place where you need to be in “two places at the same time.”

An IP wireless motion security camera is not going to be an answer for everyone. But if you have a specialized need like for home security that this camera can solve, this is the easiest way to solve it.

Learn more about this great IP Security Camera. It is great for residential and business surveillance, automobile security or even as a nanny cam.

The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products. We carry a wide range of self-defense products including tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays and other non-lethal weapons that can save your life in the event of an attack.

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