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How A Few Seconds Can Change Your Life

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We know, you’re saying a few seconds can’t make that much difference in anything. It certainly doesn’t seem like much-that is for sure. But rest assured, these few seconds can change your life. What are we talking about? We are talking about the two or three seconds that it takes a burglar to get into your house. And for a professional burglar that is all it takes even when there are some obstacles.

A few seconds is all it takes to break into a home and lose potentially thousands in valuables and a few seconds is all it takes to install some burglar alarms to protect your home.

Unfortunately, in 30% of all home burglaries there is no force or skill required to break in. Homeowners make it easy because in those cases burglars get in through unlocked doors and windows.

In our article entitled ‘The Basics Of Home Security 101’ we offer three reasons why burglary is so easy. The article also points out that “the FBI tells us that a home burglary happens every 13 seconds in the United States and is the most common threat to your home.”

Police tell us that 90% of all burglaries can be prevented. In this informative article, there are Thirteen Facts About Home Burglary that you should really know.

One of those facts is that 34% of all burglaries happen right through the front door. The second most popular place for break-ins is first-floor windows usually because they are unlocked. It is just a fact that the more obstacles you put in the way of a burglar the longer it will take for him to get into your house. If he has to spend more than 30 seconds getting into a house more, than likely he will get frustrated and leave.

Obviously the best obstacle is to lock all your doors and windows.

Then place alarms on your doors and windows. According to this Rutgers University School of Criminal Justice study that was done over a period of five years found that residential burglar alarm systems decrease crime. This was the first study to focus on alarms that scientifically ruled out other factors that could have impacted the crime rate.

Part of the reason that alarms are so effective is the astonishing fact that 85% of all break-ins are by nonprofessionals and first-time offenders so they have no idea what to expect or what a burglar alarm sounds like.

The study credits the alarms with the decrease in burglaries and the overall crime rate in Newark, New Jersey where the study took place. It was done in conjunction with the Newark Police Department and reviewed five years of police data. The 300 page document concluded that “neighborhoods in which burglar alarms were densely installed have fewer incidents of residential burglaries than the neighborhoods with fewer burglar alarms.”

Statistics show the burglars spend one minute or less inside a residence stealing an average $2,100 worth of property and doing an additional $2,000 worth of damage to the home.

A few seconds is all it takes to break into a home and all it takes to install these burglar alarms shown here. Which is it for your home?

We highly recommend this two pack of battery operated Sabre Brand Glass Alarms that work on windows or sliding glass doors. If the glass is tampered with or broken a 100 dB alarm sounds. There is a convenient on/off switch which most other alarms do not have. Once installed on the inside of the windows or glass doors, a red security decal shows through the glass for additional security to prevent break-ins. You can prevent false alarms on windy days by adjusting the sensitivity from high to low.

 Has your home ever been burglarized? Please share your experience. We want to hear your thoughts.

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