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Top Watch Spy Cameras

David Artman |

Spy cameras have grown in popularity over the years to a point where nearly everyone can get one because the prices are cheaper than ever before, and technological advances have made them far superior to products that were available just within the last five years. Watch spy cameras as an example, are an amazing way to capture video and audio in a covert way.

In this article we will take a look at some of the top watch spy cameras so you can see what’s available and what their respective capabilities are. They are in a category called “body worn” cameras, which can legally record audio as well as video.

Spy cameras are used to catch people doing things that they shouldn’t be doing. The most common examples of them are as nanny cameras and more recently to detect elder abuse in nursing homes.

One of the more popular watch spy cameras is an underwater Diver Watch that can record up to a depth of 32 feet. It has 4 GB of internal memory storage and uses a built-in lithium-ion battery that is completely rechargeable. Video and still photos are recorded with excellent resolution. This watch has a built-in microphone to record voice or any other audio and uses a cover for the microphone for underwater use. A USB cable is included for data transfer and battery recharge.

This good-looking Silver Watch records color video at 15 FPS in AVI format. The tiny 1/6″ CMOS image sensor ensures that your footage remains covert. It has a rechargeable lithium ion battery that can record up to two hours on a single battery charge. It also has audio recording capability which makes it an excellent undercover hidden spy camera.

This HD Night Vision camera records audio and color video in resolution up to 30 FPS. It is water resistant up to 10 feet deep and has infrared sensors that work without indicator lights for covert night vision recording. All audio and video is stamped with the date and time. It has a built-in 8 GB memory. It also has a built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery and an AC adapter to power the device. A USB cable comes with the watch to transfer data to a computer. This product has a lifetime manufacturer’s warranty.

So-called “body worn” cameras can legally record audio unlike other hidden spy cameras. This gives you an amazing capability to record video and audio which is very important in a lot of legal cases. Watch spy cameras have limited application as nanny cameras or to catch elder abuse, but they still can do the job.

We have the largest selection of Hidden Spy Cameras on the Internet in one place with 185 to choose from.

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