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 Celebrate Presidents' Day w/ 10% Off Self Defense!

Three Long Range Self Defense Products That Can Protect You

Ann Monticello |

One of the biggest complaints that I have heard from women, especially, when it comes to self-defense products is they don’t like stun devices because they have to be physically applied to an assailant. The natural tendency is to get as far away from an assailant as fast as you can, so the idea of having to be up close and personal, so to speak, is repulsive. Thus many women shy away from stun guns.

Here is a long-range product that works for self-defense, personal safety, and personal security.

It has been on the market for some time. It is a device that was specifically designed for women. It has a near 100% effectiveness rating. It shoots out two barbs up to 15 feet away that disable an assailant with astonishing power. A version of it is carried by over 17,000 law enforcement agencies in the country. That gives you an idea of how effective they are.

Well, self-defense product manufacturers must have been listening to you because there are two new products on the market that address that very issue.

The first product shoots a disposable, replaceable cassette that contains probes sharp enough to penetrate leather. It can shoot up to 15 feet away and incapacitate an assailant for as much as five or more minutes. After the cassette is deployed, the unit works as a regular stun gun. The handle has an easy, comfortable contoured grip and a belt clip attachment that makes it easy to keep it with you at all times.

The second long-range stun device shoots up to 15 feet away using a replaceable cartridge that has 80,000 volts and 2 milliamps in 10-second cycles. There is no background check required as in a taser. It has a disable pin wrist strap so if the device is taken from you, it will prevent it from being used against you. It has an ultra-bright LED flashlight and uses rechargeable technology. It has a high impact plastic with a rubberized handle and indentations for a firm grip. Because it uses higher amperage and lower voltage than most stun guns the effectiveness is notably better. It comes with a training cartridge to help you practice and includes a durable nylon holster.

Those are three long-distance self-defense products that can greatly enhance your personal safety and personal security. Every woman should have at least one of them for her self-defense.

Here are some self-defense products that have the long-range capability.

Check out all of our Shooting Stun Guns to see which one you like the most.

The Mace Pepper Gun shoots out to 25 feet away for long-range self-defense.

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The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products.

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