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P$17.4 Million Stolen In Two Home Burglaries-Get A Safe?

P$17.4 Million Stolen In Two Home Burglaries-Get A Safe?

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This is a story about two home burglaries near Manila in the Philippines where the robbers made off with a total of 17.4 million Philippine dollars worth of cash and jewelry. That’s roughly equivalent to $375,000. That’s a lot of money anywhere. In the first robbery a man with a crowbar subdued a 58-year-old woman and locked her in a room. In the second robbery six men subdued a restaurant owner. The second home invasion robbery was done at 10 AM on a Saturday morning

You can get the rest of the details HERE.

There was no safe in the house and it makes me wonder why if someone would keep that amount of cash and jewelry and other items of value and not keep them in a safe?

If you keep any amount of cash, jewelry or other small valuables over even $1,000 in your home get some kind of safe. We have a selection of close to 200 Safes one of which is bound to meet your security needs.

The Digital Home Safe has 2.36 cubic feet of storage and weighs 354 pounds so no one will walk off with it especially if it is bolted to the floor.

Feedback on these posts is appreciated. Have you ever owned a safe? Please share your experience. We want to hear your thoughts.

The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products. We carry a wide range of self-defense products including tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays and other nonlethal weapons that can save your life in the event of an attack.

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