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The Self Defense System That Can Protect You in Three Ways

David Artman |

When people are looking for a way to defend themselves with a nonlethal product, pepper spray and stun guns are at the top of the list. They are by far the most popular self-defense products because they work. As a matter of fact, they have an excellent track record of being close to 90% effective.

Most pepper sprays do one thing and they do it very well. They can disable an assailant for over 30 minutes by causing intense pain, excessive tearing of the eyes and making breathing very difficult with one shot to the face. Pepper sprays use the resin (oleoresin capsicum) of one of the most powerful chilies in the world-the cayenne pepper-as their main ingredient.

Since pepper sprays are legal just about everywhere and because they are so effective they are the largest selling nonlethal self-defense product in the world because they are so popular for personal safety and personal security.

If you were to combine a pepper spray that uses a 10% concentration of that oleoresin capsicum with 2 million Scoville heat units, a 125 dB alarm and a strobe light that can temporarily blind an attacker, you would have an awesome product.

That is exactly what you have in a pepper spray that can protect you three ways.

The pepper spray can be worn using an armband attachment that makes deployment easy. When you reach for the spray it automatically is aimed in the right direction. The unit has a finger lock, which automatically aims the spray in the proper direction and prevents accidental discharge. It has enough spray to stop multiple attackers with a range up to 15 feet which makes it an excellent product for defense in dog attacks too.

The powerful 125 dB alarm and strobe light are both activated when the pepper spray is deployed making this a powerful, effective self-defense system that can defend you in those three ways.

The 125 dB alarm and strobe light can scare away an attacker and can draw attention to you in even the most remote areas. The alarm can be heard from as far as one-fourth of a mile away.

The spray has a 60 month shelf life, which is significantly more than the average defensive spray. The cartridge used for the spray is a replaceable one, so you don’t have to buy a whole new unit if you run out of spray.

Don’t leave your personal safety and personal security to chance when you can get this self-defense system and wear it on your arm.

The Tornado Personal Defense System can defend you in three ways: pepper spray, blinding strobe light and a loud personal alarm.

Be sure to check out all of our other Women’s Pepper Sprays to see if one of them will be just right for you.

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 The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products.

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