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The Best Value in Home Security Products – The Top Four

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You may already know that home security as an industry is rapidly approaching $60 billion a year in sales. The reason for that is simple; home burglary is at an all-time high in terms of incidents. One out of every six homes can expect to be burglarized on an annual basis.

When most people think of home security products, the first thing that comes to mind are home security systems or door window alarms and rightfully so. Those are the biggest selling, the most popular of all home security products. But in this article we are going to talk about items that are less well-known that represent very good value-the best value in home security gadgets.

Everyone knows the frustration of being locked out of your home or condominium. It doesn’t happen that often, but it does happen, especially if you have children. They seem to be more forgetful. So the first item on our list is a key hider that’s inside a real yard sprinkler head. The days of hiding a spare key underneath the doormat are over for good.

The second best value in home security gadgets on our list is the super doorstop wedge alarm. This item is a compact, lightweight product that can travel with you wherever you go. It can be used in apartments, motel rooms, dorm rooms, and of course homes. It acts as a wedge to physically block the door from opening. When pressure is applied to the door, as in forcing the door open, the 125 dB alarm sounds alerting you and your neighbors and scaring the bad guys away.

Third on our list is the large hardbound book safe that is 9.5″ x 6.5″ x 1.5″. The compartment is big enough to hide small hand guns, cash, valuables, passports, credit cards and even jewelry. It is one of the most popular diversion safes. It fits into any bookshelf or to be even bolder you can leave it lying around on a coffee table.

To our way of thinking the best value in home security gadgets is a fake security camera that sweeps back and forth with a flashing LED light when it detects motion. It is 7 inches tall, weatherproof and is meant to be placed outdoors. Fake security cameras are a proven way to outfox home burglars. It can be mounted in seconds and is one of the most realistic fake security cameras available.

This Fake Security Camera is so real looking no one can tell it is a fake.

The Book Diversion Safe hides in plain sight which is why it is so effective.

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The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products.

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