If you are in an abusive relationship and have suffered beatings, a.k.a. domestic violence or domestic abuse at the hands of your partner, you need to consider leaving the relationship if not for your safety then the safety of your children, if any. No one needs to put up with that kind of abuse. In this article we discuss why you need an escape plan. A successful escape from a bad, dangerous relationship does not just happen, it has to be a planned ahead of time.
Relationships are not easy or simple to begin with but leaving a relationship is complicated to say the very least. Feelings of confusion, guilt and uncertainty run amok in your mind. But when you’ve been isolated from friends and family, psychologically and physically beaten as well as controlled financially, the one thing that you have to keep in mind above all others is your own physical safety.
If you are in peril in the relationship, then leaving is the clear, obvious choice. If you have heard all the usual excuses like your partner will change or that you can help your partner or that he promises to stop, even if he is in counseling, there is no guarantee that he can change.
If you are afraid of what might happen if you leave, don’t allow that fear to control the situation.
Here are some steps you should take prior to your leaving.
- Take pictures of any physical abuse evidence.
- Know where to go to get help and make sure you verbalize to friends what is happening to you.
- Set some money aside as a rainy day fund.
- Contact a woman’s shelter to find out about laws and other resources that may be available. Try keeping a journal of all violent incidents, including dates, threats and events.
Make a plan for how and where you will escape.
- Hide an extra set of car keys.
- Plan for a quick escape.
- Have important papers ready to go.
- Have an extra set of clothes packed and stored at a friend’s house.
- If necessary, ask the police to give you an escort when you leave.
Be prepared to defend herself by learning some self-defense techniques and buying and practicing how to use a self-defense product such as a pepper spray or stun device. In any kind of an assault, even the domestic abuse assault, a self-defense product can disable an assailant long enough for you to get away from a potentially dangerous situation.
The iStun Phone Stun Gun looks like a modern smart phone but is a powerful 3.8 million volt stun device.
We have 168 different models of Pepper Sprays to choose from. One of them will be just what you are looking for.