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Beginner’s Guide To Using Stun Guns

Beginner’s Guide To Using Stun Guns

Dave Artman |

Stun guns are a powerful self-defense tool, but with great power comes great responsibility. If you’re considering learning how to use a stun gun and you want to keep one in your home, there are a few things to know first. At The Home Security Superstore, we have a lot of models available. Here are some stun gun tips for beginners:

Check Local Laws

First things first: are tasers legal in your state? Stun guns are not considered firearms, but they are also regulated state by state (and sometimes by individual city). Most states allow stun guns without major restrictions, but in some cases, you may have to get a permit. If you must travel through a restricted area with your stun gun – on a road trip, for instance – make sure it is disarmed and stored away. 

Know How to Use Your Stun Gun Safely

If local laws grant you the green light to carry a stun gun, learning about your weapon is the next step. Know how much power your stun gun has and familiarize yourself with the safety switch and deployment mechanisms. Once you understand the stun gun’s capacity and have studied its shape and various buttons, you should learn how to defend yourself with it. The ideal place to hit your target is below the neck and above the waist. 

Get a feel for how long it takes to grab the stun gun and position it on an attacker (ideally for at least 3 seconds). Shooting stun guns are called Tasers, but whether it shoots or not, no stun gun is something to play around with – practice how you would use it while it is disarmed but never test its actual voltage on another person. Becoming familiar with how to properly grip and deploy the stun gun will help build muscle memory, and if you ever need to deploy it in an actual emergency the act will be closer to second nature. 

Store Your Stun Gun Correctly

After buying a stun gun legally and becoming familiar with its safe operation, you should figure out a plan to store the stun gun securely. In the hands of a child or someone who doesn’t know how to use it the right way, a stun gun could do unintended harm. Keep your stun gun in a locked safe or another secure hiding place at home, and always store it in the off position. Treat it like you would any other weapon! 

When you’re traveling, TSA allows stun guns only in your checked baggage. Make sure you place the stun gun safely in your luggage; you may want to consider storing it in a hard container that will prohibit the safety switch from getting turned on during the flight or accidentally zapping you when you open the zipper. You should also ensure the stun gun will be legal at your final destination, of course. 

Stun guns are an increasingly popular way to gain peace of mind. They can help you ward off an intruder in your home or fight back if you are approached while walking to your car in the dark. If you still have questions, like “What’s the difference between a stun gun and a taser?” you’re not alone. The Home Security Superstore is here to answer your questions and help you select the right model for your needs. We have stun guns for women, stun guns that look like cell phones, mini stun guns, and more!

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