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When to Use a Stun Gun

non lethal weapons

A non-lethal, legal weapon is always a highly preferred choice for self-protection. Even if you’re legally allowed to carry a lethal defense weapon, like a gun or a knife, you don’t want to have to use it. So, carrying pepper spray, a stun gun, or a Taser are the best options for self-defense. But to legally carry and use the latter two, you better know when and how to use a stun gun properly.

The following are some tips on how and when to use a stun gun, the difference between stun guns and Tasers, and how Tasers for civilians differ from those carried by law enforcement. 

When and How to Use a Stun Gun

Legally, a stun gun is ONLY to be used in matters of self-defense—when you can reasonably articulate that you had no other option to defend yourself against an attack. It’s of course always best to try and avoid potentially dangerous situations altogether, if you can help it. But should you need to walk to your car late in the evening after work, for example, you’ll need to take measures to stay safe. And if an assailant were to accost you, and you felt you could not defend yourself reasonably, then this would be the ideal time to use a stun gun in self-defense.

As you encounter any potentially dangerous situation, you’ll want to keep your stun gun ready in hand, not in your purse or pocket. You should be aware of your surroundings at all times and be prepared to use your stun gun if you need to. Your stun gun protects you from attacks at close range, meaning 0 to 3 feet away. If attacked, be certain you hit your target with your weapon before you press the button to begin the electric shock.

You need to hold the stun gun against your attacker for about 3 to 5 seconds, depending on the voltage of the stun gun. Try to keep your body physically safe while also in range to execute the prolonged stun. Stunning your attacker will not electrocute you.

Stun Guns vs. Tasers

Some people think that stun guns and Tasers are the same weapons. They’re not. You use stun guns at close range, while Tasers protect you from assailants that are up to 15 feet away or more. Stun guns and Tasers have similar purposes, but quite different capabilities.

Stun guns require direct contact with a perpetrator, and they make it necessary for you to hold this contact for a few seconds. Stun guns immobilize an attacker by overworking the muscles in a rapid amount of time, depleting the person of blood sugar. They shock, immobilize, and cause extreme pain. Tasers also shock, immobilize, and cause pain, but they’re meant to help you repel someone from a safe distance, typically between 10 to 15 feet away. They shoot out 2 probes, which remain attached to your Taser via cords. Because the probes shoot out away from each other, they deliver greater electrical range throughout the assailant’s body, making it often easier to immobilize an attacker with a Taser than a typical stun gun.

Stun guns normally cost less than Tasers. We have a nice selection of stun guns that you can browse, Stun guns needs to be used in close proximity. Stun guns can incapacitate an attacker, but a Taser is usually more likely to stop someone in their tracks. Tasers can be used from a farther distance. If you’re looking for an effective self-defense weapon that can keep you safe both at close and long-range, a Taser is the better option. However, stun guns are often easier to carry and use. 

Civilian Tasers vs. Law Enforcement Tasers

Civilians and law enforcement personnel carry different kinds of Tasers because the immediate needs and capabilities of each differ. If you’re considering purchasing a Taser, it's critical you know how to use a Taser designed to keep civilians safe. 

Normal civilian Tasers hold a shock for about 30 seconds, which gives the weapon holder enough time to immobilize an attacker, put the Taser down, and run to safety. The Taser brand says that if you’re attacked and you need to put your Taser down to run, you can contact your local law enforcement agency to file a police report, and then Taser will replace your weapon free of charge. Civilian Tasers have a range of around 15 feet.

Law enforcement Tasers emit a shock for 5 seconds, which is supposed to be all the time needed for an officer to restrain an assailant and handcuff him or her. Tasers for law enforcement have a range of around 21 feet.

These are just some of the ways and times to use a non-lethal weapon, and the differences between stun guns and different Tasers. To find out more, there are many stun guns and Taser products you can look at and read reviews about. All of them will help keep you safe, but depending on your particular needs and typical environment, you may find one is better for you than the other.

Are You Ready to Purchase?

 Choose Your Stun Gun

stun gun
Choose Your Taser
taser stun gun

Frequently Asked Questions

Are tasers effective for self defense?

Tasers have been proven to be effective for self defense due to their widespread use by law enforcement and security professionals for over 20 years. Their non-lethal effectiveness comes from their ability to disrupt the neuromuscular system of an attacker, disabling their movement temporarily without causing permanent harm.

Should tasers be banned?

Tasers should not be banned as they are an effective means of non lethal self defense, tasers have been trusted by police for over 20 years and have been proven to have a lower fatality rate than other non lethal tools like police batons and even unarmed detainment maneuvers such as chokeholds and carotid holds.

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