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What Is The Best Self Defense Weapon For You?

David Artman |

If you could choose one weapon for self-defense and personal safety, which one would it be? Every law enforcement officer in the country carries a pepper spray on his utility belt. If it is good enough for law enforcement officers shouldn’t it be good enough for you and your self-defense?

We get this question all the time, and with the current anti-gun movement in motion we have not changed our answer-the best overall self-defense weapon the average person can legally carry is pepper spray. We are not talking about going to war, or doing a tactical entry on a drug compound, we are talking about self-defense and personal safety.

If you put yourself in harm’s way every day like a law enforcement officer does, then we understand a gun being the best choice, but for most other people I think a pepper spray is the best choice.

For most people, the deadly force of a handgun is too much, so they seek a nonlethal alternative such as a pepper spray or a stun device. And many women that we know have a hard time dealing with the requirements to make a stun gun effective, i.e., that it has to be physically applied to an assailant for 3 to 5 seconds to make it work.

For women the ability to defend themselves from a distance is very appealing. Most pepper sprays have a range of at least 8 feet some as high as 18 feet. Women have more opportunities to use a self-defense weapon because they are assaulted nine times more often than men.Pepper sprays are legal in all states with just a few of them having any restrictions. They are on average close to 90% effective.

And if you need any more convincing, consider this. Every law enforcement officer in the country carries a pepper spray on his utility belt. It is a key component in their continuum of force that all law enforcement officers use in the apprehension and control of suspects in a criminal case. It is often their first nonlethal choice in the performance of their duties.

Additionally, all letter carriers with the U.S. Postal Service are issued, pepper sprays as a first line of defense against dog attacks.

So my question to you is, if it is good enough for law enforcement officers and good enough for letter carriers shouldn’t it be good enough for you and your self-defense?

This Streetwise keychain spray is our Most Popular Spray probably because it sells for only $4.95 and is so effective.

We have the largest assortment of Pepper Sprays on the Internet with 187 to choose from.

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