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Penn State Shocked By Weekend Sex Assaults-How You Can Defend Against One

Ann Monticello |

Students and faculty members alike are shocked by two sexual assaults over the weekend. Last year 20 sexual assaults occurred on campus.

You can read the rest of the story HERE.

Statistics show one in four women will be the victim of an attempted or completed sexual assault during her time in college.

The story goes on to say “A sexual assault of a 20-year-old, or a 30-year-old, or a 60-year-old, or a 70-year-old is as heinous as a sexual assault of a child and until we as a community decide that we’re going to not just end sexual assault of children, but we’re going to end sexual assault completely, across the lifespan, then we’re missing the mark.”

How To Defend Against One

The very best way to defend yourself against sexual assault anywhere on campus in a domestic dispute, or even on the street is with pepper spray that’s on a keychain.

Keychain Pepper Sprays like the one shown here alert effective way to disable an assailant for as long as 45 minutes. They are nonlethal and legal in almost all jurisdictions. And because they are on a keychain. They are literally with you wherever you go.

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The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high-quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products. We carry a wide range of self-defense products including tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays and other nonlethal weapons that can save your life in the event of an attack.

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