With the increase of vandalism, home burglary and worst of all home invasions mostly due to the bad economy homeowners are looking for ways to increase their home security. There are lots of things that they might consider doing that are free. Do you like free?
To top the list of free things are putting a sign in front of your house that warns of a nasty dog. Home burglars and home invaders look for things like that when there scouting a neighborhood looking for their next targets. Then consider starting or joining a neighborhood watch program. Your local sheriff’s department can help you set one up. They are very effective and again they are free.
And believe it or not most home burglaries are through open doors or windows. So can you say DUH? Start locking your entryways even when you’re at home. If you do those three things you be way ahead of your peers, in terms of improving your home security.
Next comes spending a little bit of money and I mean a little bit. When it comes to home security nothing is better than a home security camera and nothing is better than a home security camera than a cheap home security camera. Here are three of the best.
1. Dummy home security cameras are so effective that they are used by businesses and homeowners throughout the country with great success. Most burglars are not the sharpest knives in the drawer anyhow. It is difficult to see that the red light that’s blinking on a dummy security camera is not the real thing.
2. A little bit more expensive is the floodlight camera with built-in DVR that’s motion activated. Nothing scares burglars away any faster than a flood light shining on them. This floodlight camera shines out to over 30 feet away. And has a field of view of 90° for recording video even at night
3. One of the best cameras for home security is the IP Security Camera that is both wireless and motion activated.
The 2.4 GHz camera makes your PC a DVR. It includes a wireless receiver. Once the camera detects motion, your computer will give off an alert. The camera has excellent resolution and a range up to 100 meters or over 300 feet. It is a little bit more expensive, but when you are talking about the security of your home isn’t it worth it?
Check out all of our Cheap Security Cameras. One may have your name on it.