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Best Security Locks – Four Varieties for Any Property

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As long as people own things of value, elements in our society-a.k.a. the bad guys-will try to steal them. That is why the home security business is such a huge deal-rapidly approaching $60 billion a year in sales and that is just for home security. Businesses go to even greater lengths to protect their inventory from internal and external theft.

Locks and locksmiths are just one small segment of the security business. There are locks for all kinds of security; residential, business, apartment complexes, warehouses, sheds or anything that can store items of value. Locks are the main way.

Here are four varieties of locks that can secure just about any kind of property.

If you own an outbuilding such as a garage or freestanding storage shed on your property or want to secure a gate, the siren padlock alarm may be what you’re looking for. It is a heavy-duty aluminum padlock that is completely weatherproof. It comes with three keys. If somebody tries to break into the padlock, a loud 110 dB alarm sounds that can alert you and/or scare a thief away. There are many service technicians or workmen who store their tools in the back of their truck. The siren alarm padlock is a perfect way to protect them. The alarm sounds for 10 seconds-long enough to get anybody’s attention.

The second way is the more traditional double cylinder dead bolt lock that fits all standard size doors. Unlike many dead bolts, this one requires a key on both sides. It can be used on all doors with glass windows so a burglar can’t break the glass and get in. It has a steel rod built into the latch to prevent tampering.

One of the most popular is the keypad dead bolt with a remote control that allows the user to unlock a door from as far away as 30 feet. The keypad dead bolt actually strengthens security and eliminates the threat of “lock bumping” which is a popular way for burglars to gain entry into your house.

And one of the most sophisticated locks that allows for multiple users is the Electronic Lock that can store up to 800 user codes making it perfect for many commercial or residential applications. It even allows for one time use codes to grant temporary passage to a guest, repairmen or cleaning personnel. This is the perfect security tool to control users to multi-residential facilities or anywhere that requires controlled access. It provides safety and security to employees of businesses or residents of an apartment complex.

Those are four ways to secure just about any kind of property whether it’s a big residential complex such as an apartment building or a toolbox in the back of your pickup truck. Don’t be a victim of burglary when you can secure your property with one of these locks.

Check all of our Locks to see if one of them won’t suit your situation and improve your security.

The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products. We carry a wide range of self-defense products including tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays and other nonlethal weapons that can save your life in the event of an attack.

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