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8 Home Security Tips For Single Moms

home security tips for single moms

Like it or not, being a single mom could make you a target for crime. Burglars may see you as a vulnerable person because you’re the only adult in the home. The good news is you don’t have to be an easy target for crime – there are loads of ways to protect your property and family. Here are some tips for single moms to be proactive with home security and stay safe around the clock:

1. Install Motion Sensor Lights and Alarms

Some of the best security cameras include motion-detection. Floodlights in the front and back of a single-family home will alert you to movement in the yard, and a motion-sensor alarm inside will sound if someone is creeping through the hallway. 

2. Use a Doorbell Camera

There’s no reason to open a door without knowing who is outside. Doorbell cameras give you a full 180-degree view, so even if someone is hiding next to your door, you can spot them. 

3. Lock Down Your Property

Sometimes going back to the basics is the best way to protect you and your kids. Change the locks when you buy a new home, or make sure the landlord on a rental has changed them since the last tenants lived there. Upgrade your window locks and alarms, too. Glass-shatter alarms will sound if someone breaks or cuts your window to gain entry. 

4. Keep Your Social Media Secure

Don’t advertise that you’re the only adult in the home. Keep your social media pages private, so that strangers can’t figure out where you live and that you’re living there alone with your kids. Rethink your social check-ins, too – do people really need to follow your every move?

5. Use a First Initial on Your Mailbox

Some of the top break-in prevention tips are in the details. If you have a call box or public mailbox at your residence, use a first initial and last name rather than your first name. This calls less attention to a woman living alone with her kids. 

6. Vary Your Routine

If you go running or complete the same errands every week, try to avoid keeping the same route at the same time. This makes it harder for someone to track your movements and ultimately follow you back to your home. 

7. Keep a Stun Flashlight at Home

There are several self-defense weapons that are legal in all states and easy to store in your nightstand. A home defense pepper spray or stun gun with LED flashlight are good tools to have on hand. Storing them in a biometric safe with quick opening keeps these tools away from children’s hands but easy for you to access. 

8. Find a Trusted Neighbor

In the event that you’re unable to get home on time or your kids get locked out, it’s good for them to have a safe place to go nearby. Find at least one trusted neighbor who you feel comfortable watching your little ones until you get home. Your neighbors can also keep an eye on your property while you’re away and alert you to suspicious people who look too close for comfort. 

The best home security tips for moms can keep you safe from burglars and aware of what is happening on your property. Take a few minutes today to do an audit of your home security. Then, browse our array of DIY home security options and improve your home safety. If you have questions about any of the products at The Home Security Superstore, contact us today to learn more. 

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