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 Celebrate Presidents' Day w/ 10% Off Self Defense!

Three New Home Security Devices to Protect Your Home

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If you check the police blotter at your local police station, you’ll see that home burglaries are usually at the top of the list on any given week. Nearly one out of every six homes is burglarized annually. So the odds are pretty good that if you stay in your home that long, you’re going to fall victim to home burglary.

If you ever get a chance, ask a burglar why he does what he does. If he tells you the truth the answer will be because it is so darn easy to burglarize homes. Statistics show that in most homes entry is a piece of cake through unlocked doors and windows in 60% of the cases.

Is it any wonder then that the home security business is so huge? That’s why there are so many home security devices on the market today. Here are three new home security gadgets that you may want to consider getting to improve your home security and prevent home burglary.

One of the most effective tools for home security is a home security camera but a lot of people can’t afford them. That is why there’s a huge market for fake security cameras.

The first one is a solar-powered LED infrared fake security camera. It has 28 fake LEDs inside a plastic housing that has a solar panel to power it so you don’t even need batteries to power the red flashing light. It is so realistic that no one can tell it from the real thing. It adjusts to almost any angle and can be used indoors or outdoors but it’s mostly for outdoor use. It is 7 inches long and comes with an authentic looking cable.

The second one is a double cylinder dead bolt that’s keyed on both sides so the doorknob cannot be turned if a window breaks on your door. It will prevent break-ins on doors with glass windows since each side needs a key. One of the easiest ways for a burglar to get in is to break a window on a door and open the door from the inside. This double cylinder dead bolt will prevent that from happening.

The third product is an emergency flashing light activator. It’s a very simple idea that makes you wonder why nobody thought of it before. In an emergency fire or police personnel need to locate your house quickly. Seconds and precious minutes can be wasted by them searching for your home.

The Emergency Flashing Light activator turns your front porch light on and off. This works by replacing your front porch light switch with the emergency light switch that has three positions; on, off and flashing. It installs and functions just like a standard light. No more cold pizza from the pizza delivery guy who couldn’t find your house.

Those are three new home security devices to help improve your security and prevent burglary.

The Double Cylinder Deadbolt can prevent home break-ins through a broken front door window.

The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products. We carry a wide range of self-defense products including tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays and other nonlethal weapons that can save your life in the event of an attack.

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