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Home Security – Hiding Your Valuables In Plain Sight With These Decoy Safes Or Diversion Safes

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There was a story in a national publication not too long ago that revolved around an interview with a professional burglar. He was revealing some of his burglary “secrets.” I guess they won’t be secrets anymore! Anyhow he talked about some of the things that he looked for when he was choosing homes to burglarize-a “how to” on home burglary.

Just so there’s no mistaking it, burglars do pick out their targets, and they usually do it quite carefully and meticulously by “casing” a neighborhood. So the story went on to discuss the specifics of his “secrets” in breaking into a house. He revealed that he didn’t even have to break into most of the homes he burglarized because the windows and doors were usually left unlocked.

Once he got into a house, however, which happened in 99% of the cases, he would spend no more than five or 10 minutes looking for things of value. His first choice of course was cash followed by jewelry, credit cards and handguns or anything else that was small enough to easily transport out of the house and easy enough to dispose of in a pawn shop.

This leads us to the best places to hide valuables in your home-not the obvious places like underneath your pillow or in a shoebox. That is what makes diversion safes or hidden safes so effective. They are common objects that you see around the home, in the kitchen and the garage or in the utility room. They’re so common nobody thinks twice about seeing them.

But inside these objects are hollowed out areas that can store valuables such as cash, jewelry, credit cards and some are big enough to even hide handguns. These items can look like beverage containers, like soda cans or iced tea containers; they look like bleach bottles; or one of the newest, a flower pot safe that can store valuables and grow a real plant.

No one would ever think to look in a can of Wet Dog Food for cash or valuables which is why this safe is so effective.

Hidden safes or diversion safes, as some people call them, are inexpensive, easy to use and provide great places to hide valuables in your home and keep them safe in a burglary which makes them a great home security device.

The best place to hide valuables in your home is in a diversion safe-hidden in plain sight!

The Flower Pot Safe can store valuables and grow a plant too!

 The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products. We carry a wide range of self-defense products including tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays and other nonlethal weapons that can save your life in the event of an attack.

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