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 Celebrate Presidents' Day w/ 10% Off Self Defense!

Stun Gun Safety-Safety Tip Of The Week

Ann Monticello |

Stun guns are second only to pepper sprays in terms of popularity as a self-defense weapon. They have been used for years by military and police units worldwide so we know how effective they are.

Here are some tips on how to use one.

1. By touching an assailant with a stun gun for a few seconds, he can be immobilized for several minutes with no permanent harm. Stun guns are considered reasonable force to resist attack. They can be used many times to ward off attackers before the battery needs recharging, or replacing.

2. The stun gun does not merely rely on pain for results. The stun gun works on the muscular and neural system. The effect on the heart is insignificant. It takes 5 to 10 minutes for a full recovery.

3. Always read the instructions of your new stun gun and learn where the optimum points of contact are for maximum effectiveness. Then learn how to use the self-defense weapon. Knowing how a stun gun works and how to use it will give you confidence if and when the time comes to defend yourself

4. Misuse of a stun gun can be grounds for legal action and may be a crime. Stun Guns are not toys. Stunts and games are best left to the ‘experts’ on YouTube.

5. Even if the assailant is touching you the current will not pass to you. There is no shock-back.

6. There are always anecdotal stories about stun guns. Upon close scrutiny, you find there are ALWAYS mitigating factors and circumstances. Usually, when you hear that a stun gun didn’t work it was because the assailant was on drugs as an example.

7. Do not discharge the unit into the air for more than one second. Repeat firings for longer durations can damage the stun gun and void the warranty.

We have one of the largest selections of STUN GUNS in the country at the lowest prices.

Feedback on these posts is welcomed. Have you used a stun gun in self-defense? Please share your experience. We want to hear your thoughts.

The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high-quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products. We carry a wide range of self-defense products including tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays and other nonlethal weapons that can save your life in the event of an attack.

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