Simple Steps To Stop The Bad Guys At Your Front Door
In today’s post we will share with you some simple steps you can take to stop the bad guys at your front door. If you prevent them from getting in, they can’t steal anything. That makes a lot of sense to us.
How Big Of A Problem Is Burglary?
According to a Department of Justice white paper on burglary reported burglaries in the United States have dropped dramatically in recent years declining nearly 32% since 1990. They claim this is due to a better economy, increased use of security devices and more homeowner knowledge on how to prevent burglaries. The white paper also states that despite the decline in burglaries it is still the second most serious crime in the United States accounting for 18% of all serious crime.
As many as 50% of all home burglaries aren’t even reported. And in one third of all burglaries the bad guys do not even have to force their way in, they enter through unlocked doors or windows especially basement windows and exterior and interior garage doors.
The worst part is that the clearance rate or percentage rate solved of this high value crime is only 14% in the United States.
Certainly you have heard the expression that it is “like closing the barn door after the horses have gone.” Or another expression that pertains is “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” What we are talking about here is stopping burglars at your front door before they get in and start stealing from you. Once they are in, the hard part of their job is over.
How To Stop The Bad Guys Dead In Their Tracks
There are several things that you can do to take preemptive steps to prevent burglars from getting in. Here are just some of them.
- Lock all your doors and windows even when you are at home. This statistically may prevent one third of all burglaries.
- Remove all lower-level shrubbery around doors and windows that can provide hiding places for the bad guys. Since most robberies are committed in the daytime, these hiding places provide valuable cover for them protecting them from nearby neighbors.
- Start or join a National Neighborhood Watch Program. Neighbors banding together are an effective tool to prevent burglary. It’s free too!
- Of all the things burglars don’t like, dogs are at the top of the list. Or a simple sign in your front yard that warns of a vicious guard dog. You don’t even need a dog, sometimes just the sign will do.
- Install window and door alarms and advertise that you have them. One of the most effective motion activated alarms is the electronic watchdog that makes the sound of an angry barking dog once the protected area is violated by an intruder. This will effectively prevent him from getting in.
- Next on the list of things that burglars don’t like are security cameras. If you don’t want to spend the money on real security cameras, consider getting some fake ones. Again, put signs in your front yard that warn of them.
Those are some simple steps that you can take to stop the bad guys at your front door. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If they don’t get in, they can’t steal anything.
Learn more about home security with our post called The Ultimate Home Security Guide.
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