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 Celebrate Presidents' Day w/ 10% Off Self Defense!

Self Defense: Three Different Models of Pepper Spray

Self Defense: Three Different Models of Pepper Spray

Dave Artman |

One of the biggest complaints that we have had over the years has been about pepper sprays that expired or were otherwise used up. It is very easy to use up a pepper spray. Even though they are designed for short shots, the tendency is to keep the button depressed using the spray much faster than originally designed. And pepper sprays do not last forever. Most of them have an expiration date of three years, which can go by quickly.

In the past, if they expired or were used up you had to buy a new one. But here are three types of pepper sprays that are all very effective which can be refilled. Over the course of a lifetime that can save you some money.

Interestingly enough all three of these are Mace brand which are some of the most well-known in the industry. Among other things, Mace test fires all of their products before they are packaged to ensure a 100% firing rate. Maybe that’s why they are such a quality item.

The first pepper spray is a dual purpose defense tool. ASP® BATON - The pepper baton has a very limited capacity for the OC spray-only enough for 12 half-second bursts up to 6 feet away but the cartridges are refillable for a very reasonable price. The pepper baton also serves as a self-defense kubaton which when used properly is an extremely effective self-defense weapon, especially for women.

The second spray is one of the most popular in the marketplace. The Mace pepper gun has a range of up to 25 feet which makes it doubly effective against human assailants as a self-defense product against dog attacks. It uses refillable cartridges which carry enough OC spray for 7 shots of 25 feet each.

Now there is the MACE® PEPPER SPRAY GUN  that comes in silver. It contains enough OC spray for six short bursts up to 5 feet away using a cone spray pattern. It has a key ring attachment which makes it very handy when needed because it’s always attached to your keys.

The refills come from a 45 gram container which can fill the “KeyGuard” up to 15 times for less than its original cost making it a great value.

OC sprays or defensive sprays continue to be the leading nonlethal self-defense weapon in the world because they are so effective and are so inexpensive.

The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high-quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products. We carry a wide range of self-defense products including tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays and other nonlethal weapons that can save your life in the event of an attack.

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