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Security Cameras Linked To Decrease In Mall Vehicle Breakins

Ann Monticello |

This is a story out of Toledo, Ohio, where law enforcement officials installed surveillance cameras at the Westfield Franklin Mall to combat vehicle break-ins. They used to have four break-ins a day, which is obviously bad for business. Since the two portable surveillance cameras have been installed there hasn’t been one break-in.

You can read the whole story HERE.

One of the best ways to protect your home inside and out is with a home security camera system. It not only protects against burglary but it protects your vehicle from vandalism and break-ins.

Our Wireless Security Cameras have four cameras that are wireless that can protect a wide area of your home and because the cameras are weatherproof they can operate in all weather conditions.

Any of our Fake Security Cameras can fool the most sophisticated burglar because they are so realistic looking.

The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high-quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products. We carry a wide range of self-defense products including tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays and other nonlethal weapons that can save your life in the event of an attack.

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