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Motion Detection Alarms-You Move, You Get Caught

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There are very few products on the market today that are as effective as motion detection alarms. One of the best of them is safety beam laser sensor alarm. You can use it for home security or to announce a visitor or customer in a retail store. You can also use it to mark off an invisible play area for your child because the infrared beam covers a 60 foot area. Once somebody crosses that infrared beam either a chime announces the customer for a retail store or a powerful security alarm works for home security.

But the best motion detection alarm. It is the Electronic Watchdog. It is sometimes called the barking dog alarm because when someone enters 100° arc of protection that goes out to 20 feet away the sound of an angry barking dog starts. The sensitivity and the distance can both be adjusted. There is an additional sensor that allows you to cover a bigger area.

No one likes an angry dog barking that’s why this Motion Detection Alarm is so effective. Motion Detection Alarms-You Move, You Get Caught.

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