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How To Protect Yourself From An Assault

David Artman |

In the 10 plus years that we have been in the self-defense items business, one thing has not changed very much-the frequency of assaults on women. It occurs nine times more often than assaults on men. Female self-defense and personal safety for women has never been more important. Women need to learn how to defend themselves from sexual assault by any means possible. That’s where self-defense items such as pepper spray come in.

The self-defense items business in the last decade has undergone a tremendous change. Pepper sprays have become more powerful and smaller making them easier to carry. Stun devices and other self-defense items have also become more powerful, smaller and as a bonus, less expensive.

In this article we will discuss a strategy for female self-defense and personal safety that results in the best way to protect yourself from an assault. It is straightforward and easy to implement. Here’s how!

It starts with an awareness that as a female you are a target for predators and will be for your entire life. There is just no getting around it. It has always been that way and always will be so.

The first thing that we suggest is that you always be vigilant and prepared. The vigilance starts with ‘situational awareness’-being aware of your surroundings at all times and sorry to say, a good healthy dose of skepticism of your fellow human beings.

As evidence of this, it is just a fact that the most common places that women get assaulted are at home-with domestic violence, in parking lots and in places of employment or higher learning.

The preparedness part comes from learning the basics of self-defense. This can be done in a variety of ways but we always recommend that when you have a choice, learn from the best. The man who teaches self-defense courses in your neighborhood as an avocation, may be a barber in his full-time job. Self-defense training DVDs on the other hand give you the opportunity to learn from world class experts in the field in the comfort of your own home where you can repeat the lesson as often as you like at your own pace.

The other part of the preparedness piece is to select a self-defense item that you feel comfortable with and one that is legal in your area. Pepper sprays for example would fill that bill. They are inexpensive, easy to use and legal in all jurisdictions with some cities and states having a few restrictions.

This Woman’s Combat Course was prepared specifically prepared for women by an assault survivor who teaches predator defense and rape prevention techniques.

This Fox Labs powerful Two Ounce Stream contains 18 half-second bursts that shoot out to 20 feet away.

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