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How to Defend Against Domestic Abuse Assault

David Artman |

How pervasive is domestic abuse assault? Statistics show that one out of four women experience intimate partner assaults, and worldwide the numbers are one in three. 30% of all homicides in the United States are committed by a domestic partner. That is why on television shows you always see the spouse as the number one suspect in a murder investigation.

In the United States it has become so pervasive that it is the number one cause of death for African-American women between the ages of 15 and 34. Women who are homeless report a 63% domestic abuse assault rate and homeless women with children report a 92% domestic abuse assault rate. The cost in terms of healthcare, legal costs, police work and lost productivity is staggering.

To say that domestic abuse is a big problem is a vast understatement. It has been estimated that fewer than 10% of all domestic abuse assault cases ever get reported.

The Violence Against Women Act has just recently been re-approved by Congress after a short hiatus. This will provide law enforcement with resources to pursue this crime and allow communities to deal with the social trauma of the victims.

But how do you defend against domestic abuse assault? Every situation is different. I saw a statistic recently that said that women are hit 35 times before the assault is reported. How can they deal with that?

It isn’t easy but they have to make a decision that they are not going to put up with it anymore and have an escape plan that is dependent upon trusted friends and relatives. You don’t want to divulge an escape plan to somebody who may leak the details to the offending spouse.

The other part of defending against a domestic abuse assault is having some nonlethal self-defense product such as a pepper spray or a stun device. Before you purchase a stun device, however, make sure that they are legal in your area. Some cities and states have restrictions on stun devices, including tasers. You don’t want to get in trouble trying to defend yourself.

Pepper sprays have some restrictions but are legal everywhere. They can disable any assailant, even a domestic partner, for as much as 45 minutes allowing you time to escape a potentially dangerous situation. Stun guns allow you as much as 10 minutes to escape by short-circuiting the assailant’s muscular system.

If you are in a domestic abuse assault situation, don’t put up with it anymore. Seek assistance, develop an escape plan and have a way to defend yourself.

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