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 Celebrate Presidents' Day w/ 10% Off Self Defense!

Gun Safes-Two Reasons Why You Need One

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If you own a handgun, and records indicate that over 100 million homeowners do, there are two reasons why you need a handgun. The safety and security of your children is first and should be a good enough reason they have one. And secondly to protect the handgun from being stolen in a home burglary.

Recently, in a town 30 miles northwest of Canyon city in southern Colorado a five-year-old girl was accidentally shot with a handgun. While her parents were downstairs she went upstairs and found a handgun on a dresser. She pulled the trigger and shot herself in the head. 

So the safety and security of your children is the first big reason to have GUN SAFES in your home.

The second reason is to protect your handgun from being stolen in a home burglary. A handgun is a very marketable item and thus is a good target for thieves in a home burglary.

Please look at what all of our other SAFES. One of them may be just what you’re looking for

Feedback on these posts is welcomed. Do you have a gun safe in your house? Please share your experience. We want to hear your thoughts.

The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products. We carry a wide range of self-defense products including tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays and other nonlethal weapons that can save your life in the event of an attack.

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