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 10% Off Streetwise Stun Guns! Use Code: SG10

Guess Who We See? You’re Busted!

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Experts on security and law enforcement officials agree on one thing: video footage of a burglary greatly increases your chances of getting your stolen property back and of authorities catching the bad guys. Today we will provide documentary evidence of the effectiveness of surveillance footage at the home or in a business.

In the first chapter of today’s story four burglars were captured on security camera footage breaking into an Ector County, Texas air compressor business and stealing an estimated $20,000 worth of equipment. The men forced their way in through a bolted door and emptied the contents of the shed into a waiting silver pickup truck. According to the owners of the business, they have put thousands of dollars into the fences and security enhancements the most important of which was their surveillance system. They are counting on the home surveillance footage to help police capture the bad guys. They posted three video clips on their Facebook page which went viral shortly there after. The feeling among local business owners who have suffered similar burglaries and are fed up. They are concerned that the burglaries are caused by a local downturn in the oil business

In Las Vegas, Nevada an Air Force veteran caught four burglars running out of the neighbor’s house. The cell phone camera footage will help law enforcement authorities capture the bad guys. The homeowners got an alert on their cell phone that their home security alarm had gone off. When they checked their surveillance equipment, which can be done remotely, they saw someone in their house. That’s when they called their neighbor across the street to capture the burglars escaping the house with his cell phone camera. It is a good example of neighbors watching out for each other.

In Redlands, California surveillance camera footage showed a woman knocking at the door of a local residence. She walked away but she could be seen looking around the side of the home. A few minutes later two of her accomplices jumped over the fence in the backyard and kicked in the back door. The thieves took two guns, a Rolex watch and some other items. Police are still looking for them, but they know what they look like so their days are numbered.

In Pascagoula, Alabama a man was arrested in connection with several local business burglaries reported in the last two weeks. His arrest was made possible by images captured by surveillance cameras. In each instance the man pried open a back door to get inside. The videos showed him making an obscene gesture to the camera. The camera got the last laugh.

In New Orleans, Louisiana surveillance footage from a home was released by New Orleans police showing a man shattering the window of the 2010 Audi. Police know what the man looks like and are still looking for him.

Our selection of Security Cameras gives you enough choices so you can customize for your house. Get some today and improve your home’s security!

If you do not surveillance camera at your house, you are missing out on one of the best deterrents to burglary there is. Please share with us your experience with home surveillance cameras.

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