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Cool Products For Home Security That Are Worth A Look

Cool Products For Home Security That Are Worth A Look

David Artman |

In our highly acclaimed article entitled ‘The Basics Of Home Security 101’ we discuss why burglary is so common and the importance of prevention-stopping the bad guys at the front door. The key idea is to prevent them from getting there.

And even though this great article entitled ‘Creative Ways to Lock Down Your Apartment For Less Than Twenty Bucks’ is directed at apartment dwellers, several of the principles and ideas can be used for home and condo owners as well.

In today’s article we are going to be talking about some of the lesser-known home security products that can help prevent burglary to your house. But anyone who owns a home these days and does not have security cameras is making a big mistake. They are a must for modern home security and are widely known.

Our set of Four Security Cameras enables you to stream video remotely. The cameras have a range of 300 feet line of sight and use a wireless 2.4 GHz transmission. The infrared capability allows for video capture in complete darkness. Of course these cameras are completely waterproof and come with the hardware to install them. The cameras have a perfectly matched 2.4 GHz receiver with built-in USB adapters.

A little-known home security product is this Door Jammer Barrier which makes it virtually impossible to open the door. With the adjustable footpad you can use it on any type of flat or inclined surface and it fits under most doors with a minimum of 5 mm. clearance. It is a great product for blocking hotel room doors and for college students who live in a dorm.

Gone are the days when you can put a spare key under your front door mat. Criminals are way smarter than that. You need a new place to keep the key for emergencies. How about inside a real yard sprinkler head that has a screw top for extra security. This Sprinkler Head Key Hider provides security and convenience in an emergency when you forget your key.

Another cool product is this Keyless Leverlock that has a combination lock on the outside of the door to gain access. It has a reversible handle for left or right door openings. The lock code can be changed as needed.

Lighting is a critical part of home security and we are proud to introduce this White LED Porch Light that is battery-operated and installs in minutes. It is housed in a weatherproof casing to provide protection from moisture and the elements. It contains six super-bright LED power saver bulbs that last a lifetime. It has motion sensors that are effective up to 25 feet away. The adjustable bulb housing can be aimed anywhere needed. It has a 100 degree detection angle-enough to cover your whole front yard. It uses 4 “C” batteries.

This MailBoss brand Locking Curbside Mailbox can prevent your mail and your identity from being stolen by locking this heavy duty electro-galvanized steel mailbox. It has a patented anti-pry locking mechanism in a commercial grade wafer lock to secure the access door. It also has a vandal resistant flag and comes with three keys.

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