There’s lot a mystery that surrounds hidden spy cameras and hidden security cameras. They have been immortalized in movies and TV shows which partially lends to the mystique surrounding them. Five years ago the only people who could afford to use them were government agencies like the CIA. They were also the only people who were smart enough to figure out how to use them because they were so complicated.
But all that has changed due to advances in technology and vigorous competition. Now there are plenty of cheap spy cameras under one hundred dollars to choose from. They have differing capabilities that are just slightly less effective than their more expensive counterparts. Under most circumstances they will do the job very well and save you a bunch of money in the process.
Hidden cameras are small board cameras inside common objects that people are used to seeing on a daily basis. Some of the more common hidden security cameras under $100 are a ball point pen with six different models, a wristwatch, a calculator and a BIC lighter.
1. There are also two overhead smoke detectors with board cameras inside them. These are great for business security. They get a bird’s-eye view of employees at your cash register with these hidden cameras.
2. There are also many spy clocks to choose from that have motion activated recording and use SD cards to record video and audio.
3. One unique hidden security cameras or spy cameras is the hat spy camera with built-in DVR. This is a hands-free mobile model. It looks like a regular baseball cap but has a DVR inside. It uses a 4 GB SD card to record video. The USB cable allows you to download to your computer easily. For the ultimate in mobile recording the hat spy cam could be just for you.
4. One of the best models is the SPY CLOCK DVR with motion detection. It is a real working clock. This cheap spy camera uses motion activation to record audio and video. You can record up to 90 minutes of video on a 4 GB micro SD card. It can support up to a much bigger SD card.
The battery is rechargeable. The battery recording time can be extended by the motion activation feature to view the video. Just connect to the USB port on your computer to see the video.
Those are four the best models of cheap spy cameras. There other hidden security cameras and hidden cameras to choose from. If a cheap spy camera will do what you need to get done, why not get one?
Please check out all of our Covert Spy Cameras
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