About GPS Tracking Devices
GPS tracking devices help you keep tabs on your employees or family members by sending you up-to-date driving data, locations, and speed warnings from the road. Magnetic, waterproof options are available for attaching to vehicles and convenient, portable GPS devices can keep track of briefcases or other sensitive equipment. Our GPS trackers come with options like long-life batteries, fee-free GPS monitoring, and even built-in SD cards.
Tell us if this sounds familiar: your family gets up in the morning, and people immediately go their separate ways. The adults head off to work or social obligations, and kids depart for school. Grandparents might have their own activities as well. In some cases, you won’t all be together again until you sit down for dinner at night.
It’s only natural to worry about loved ones when you can’t be with them. However, Real Time GPS products offer a unique opportunity to keep tabs on the people who matter most. By sending you up-to-the-second driving data, locations, and info about road conditions, these products protect your family while they’re on the go and give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing where your loved ones are 24/7. And thanks to special features like waterproofing, fee-free monitoring, and long-life batteries, these devices are more convenient than ever before.
Keep Track of the People Who Matter Most
GPS, or Global Positioning System, is a satellite-based radio navigation system used to track people and vehicles around the world. These days, a number of the top home and auto security products utilize this technology to provide real-time information and tracking. Additionally, GPS makes it possible to keep tabs on your children, teens, and elderly family members when you can’t be there. The end result is superior security and improved peace of mind.
24/7 Safety for Kids and Teens
The Home Security Superstore’s cutting-edge Child Tracking GPS products allow you to keep track of children on to the way to and from school and other activities. Boasting mapping software that shows one’s pinpointed GPS location, speed, and direction of travel, these products also include weather reports, traffic info, and more.
Real-Time Location Updates
If you have a son or daughter who recently started driving, then you know how stressful the experience can be. One of the benefits of GPS tracking is that you can keep an eye on kids and elderly drivers in a way that’s easy and unobtrusive. Easy to set up and use, these products offer printable reports and alerts send directly to your phone or tablet. If you’re looking for a spy GPS tracker for a car, the SILVERCLOUD Real Time GPS Tracker is a solid option. As a bonus, this device features ShareSpot, which lets you share your locations with other drivers in the fleet and send real-time directions as needed while offering geofencing and speed alerts.
Easy-to-Use Mini GPS
If cost is a concern, mini GPS products can be an effective solution. These compact devices fit easily into pockets and purses and can be attached almost anywhere. Not only can they be used to help with home security, but mini GPS devices are also effective for tracking employees. As a bonus, products like SleuthGear iTrail GPS Logger offer easy set-up procedures and a sensible interface, so you can track locations, times, and speeds with ease. With 120 hours of data and 64MB of memory, iTrail even lets you download reports in HTML or PDF format.
Additionally, we offer GPS tracker defense products to help our customers maintain their privacy and prevent unwanted surveillance of their homes and vehicles. Or you might protect sensitive property, with items like the gun safe GPS tracker.
Looking for the spy gps gear and best home tracking devices? Contact us today to learn more about the future of this technology and how The Home Security Superstore can help you keep your home safe with GPS tracking.