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What is the Most Effective Home Security Alarm?

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Did you know that the value of goods stolen in a home burglary and the damage done to the home in that process totals nearly $3500.00? The average burglar is in the home for 5 minutes or less. You can do the math on that. The average shows $42,000 an hour. That’s an awful lot of money for a few minutes work. And the psychological damage that’s done to the family of victims in a home burglary is substantial, something that’s not easily overcome and quite frankly never goes away.

Nearly one out of every six homes every year is burglarized. When there is so much at stake with so much to lose, why is it that most people don’t take any precautions in installing a home security alarm? It has always baffled me why more people have an alarm for their car, but not for their home.

So I think you would agree there’s an awful lot at stake in protecting your home. When you finally decide that you need a home security alarm, you will start looking in hardware stores, in the big box lumber yards and any other place you can think of that might sell home security alarms.

You’ll soon find out that there hundreds if not thousands of choices out there from many manufacturers. It just so happens that the most effective security alarm out there is found on the Internet. It is called the Electronic Watchdog or the barking dog alarm. It has been proven time and time again to be the most effective and one of the least expensive home security alarms that you can get.

Many years ago when my home was broken into I asked the police officer who was investigating what his recommendation was. He said a loud barking dog is the best way to deter burglars.

This home security alarm uses electronic radar wave-sense technology to detect movement up to 20 feet away in a 100 degree area. Once movement is detected the sound of a growling, barking dog begins. Both the volume of the barking and radar sensitivity is adjustable.

If you have ever been confronted with a barking, growling dog you know how intimidating that can be. Most people, burglars included, don’t want to have anything to with a barking dog. That’s why this home alarm is so effective.

The barking dog alarm not only is the most effective home alarm for home security it is also extremely effective for garage, small business, warehouses and more. Small businesses use the alternative chime to announce visitors into their retail stores.

As a bonus there is no feeding, walking or training of this watchdog!

Please check out all of our Security Alarms to see if one can’t help protect your home or business.

The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products. We carry a wide range of self-defense products including Tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays and other nonlethal weapons that can save your life in the event of an attack.

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