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Small Business Security: Preventing Employee Theft with Hidden Spy Cameras

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When it comes to the security of your small business, catching or preventing employee theft is near the top of the list, especially for retail establishments. After years in the food business it is kind of hard to tell whether the employees or the customers tried to steal from you more-it was perhaps a tossup.

Employee theft and customer theft account for 70% of all business losses on an annual basis. Can you imagine how much lower prices would be if businesses didn’t have to build that into their price structure? But those kinds of theft are not going away. All small business owners can do is attempt to prevent it. And then once it does happen, act quickly and decisively on the perpetrators. Keeping employees honest in the retail sector is practically a full-time job.

That is where hidden spy cameras and hidden cameras can come in handy. Not all hidden cameras lend themselves to business situations. Here are four hidden spy cameras that can be used in a business setting very easily.

The thing about hidden cameras and hidden spy cameras is that nobody really knows that they’re being recorded because they are in products that everybody is used to seeing on a day-to-day basis. The more common they are the better.

A good example is the wall clock spy camera. It can fit into any setting but is equally at home in a business. The camera is a 3.7 mm lens that allows you to view a normal size room or small retail operation.

Nothing is more common than an AC adapter only this AC adapter has a DVR and a spy camera inside it to record any activity. The camera and built-in micro DVR are powered by the wall outlet so no batteries are needed. If you have suspicious employees, this spy camera will catch them.

And perhaps the best is the overhead smoke detector. You can place this spy camera over a cash register to keep an eye on employees with sticky fingers. It is a working smoke detector with an audible alarm. It has a built-in Wi-Fi connection which allows you to view the video from any remote location.

The Exit Sign Camera can only be used in a small business, office or commercial setting. It would look out of place in a home. Inside this working exit sign, that is commercially acceptable, is a spy camera and a DVR that records to an 8 GB SD card. The DVR has an imbedded date/time stamp so the video can be easily identified. The motion activation feature eliminates dead time on the recording.

Those are four spy cameras readily adaptable to any business situation to improve business security and help keep employees honest.

We have over 100 Spy Cameras to choose from with many styles and capabilities. One of them may be just what you are looking for.

 The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products. We carry a wide range of self-defense products including tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays and other nonlethal weapons that can save your life in the event of an attack.

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