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Self Defense Techniques Training DVD: Learn At Home From The Best

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Bullying has become a huge problem in schools-much more so now than ever before. The reasons for it are not clear. Cyber bullying alone has been cited as a cause of many suicides among young teenagers. But today we’re talking about just old-fashioned bullying with one big guy picking on another tiny guy or one young tough lady picking on a genteel young lady. It happens with either sex.

I remember when I was growing up in about the fifth or sixth grade one of my neighbor’s dads decided to set up a boxing ring in his backyard and teach the young kids in the neighborhood the basics about boxing. I wasn’t big so was eager to learn a little bit, how to defend myself. I remember very well, to this day, the first time I got my bell rung by a right-hand from one of my “friends.” My days for learning self-defense were cut very short.

However I did learn something from the lessons and the first time somebody tried to pick on me at my new school I pushed back. This led to a little fight where I landed the first punch to my opponent’s nose. The fight ended very quickly and no one ever bothered me again.

Here’s my point. When you learn some basic self-defense techniques they can last you a good long time. And when you want to learn anything, I have always recommended that you learn from the best that you can afford to teach you.

Maybe that is part of the reason why self-defense classes taught in the home via home study on a training DVD from some of the best instructors in the world are so popular. They give you the opportunity to learn self-defense techniques that will last a lifetime from the best instructors in the world.

The  Street Safe DVD is a great example. Paul Vunak, who teaches advanced self-defense techniques to Navy Seals, FBI swat teams and local law enforcement for a living, teaches you the eight basic techniques of Jeet Kune Do in this hour-long video. Jeet Kune Do is basically street fighting. The techniques that he teaches will enable you to get out of 95% of the confrontations that you may encounter and is a great way to start learning self-defense techniques.

Home study in a training DVD of self-defense techniques allows you to study at your own pace with much repetition in the comfort of your own home.

This Women’s Combat DVD is basically for women. It is taught by someone who has years of experience in teaching self-defense basics and is an assault survivor herself.

 The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products. We carry a wide range of self-defense products including tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays and other nonlethal weapons that can save your life in the event of an attack.

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