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Self Defense: Fox Labs Pepper Sprays Brand Overview

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Fox labs was founded in 1992 with a purpose to manufacture and market the best less than lethal self-defense spray products available to the civilian market. They were primarily for female self-defense and the personal security and personal safety of concerned citizens. They quickly realized that using new and improved formulas, they could market to law enforcement agencies. Here is a broad overview of their self-defense item pepper sprays.

It is their contention that the only thing that matters in terms of effectiveness of pepper sprays is the SHU (Scoville Heat Unit) rating and the base ingredients within the formulas-the CRC (capsaicin and related capsaicinoids) strength. The percentage of OC spray is a misleading and erroneous way to measure pepper sprays. A higher percentage of OC delays how fast the formula can work and also increases the recovery time of assailants. SHU’s are a common measurement of hotness.

In 1998 they introduced a 2% OC formula that measures 5.3 million SHU’s making it the hottest pepper spray anywhere.

Currently their sprays are used by more law enforcement agencies than any other brand. Those same types of sprays that law enforcement officers use are available to the civilian community. They are among the most effective defensive sprays available.

Fox labs concentrates on quality products rather than a wide variety of products so their product selection is actually quite limited compared to other manufacturers. Their defensive sprays are characterized by having longer ranges up to 20 feet, which far exceeds the norm for their competitors.

They are also the only manufacturer of defensive sprays that markets their products as non-flammable and thus compatible with taser/ECD products which most law enforcement officers carry.

OC sprays are so effective because they can incapacitate an assailant up to 45 minutes. They are generally speaking inexpensive and easy-to-use and legal in all states. Some cities and states have restrictions, so check with your local sheriff’s department first before you buy one.

The main chemical in pepper sprays is a derivative of one of the hottest peppers in the world. At can cause extreme pain and make your eyes water so badly that the eyes may actually shut. It makes breathing very difficult. On average, defensive sprays are 80 to 90% effective.

It is safe to say that Fox labs sprays are the premier nonlethal sprays in the world. They are a favorite for female self-defense and the personal security and personal safety of anyone concerned about their well-being.

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