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Home Security-What Is The Most Effective Product To Protect Your Home Under One Hundred Dollars?

If you are one of the 100 hundred million or so homeowners in the United States who have a huge investment of over $300,000 invested in their house, landscaping, furnishings and equipment you are painfully aware of the prize that awaits home burglars. They salivate at how easy home burglary is with most burglaries occurring thru unlocked doors and windows.

Every 15 seconds a burglary happens a with a little over $1700 in goods stolen and another $1600 in damage done to the house. That’s an expensive proposition and it doesn’t even measure the psychological damage done to the homeowners, which is substantial.

So what are homeowners to do? There are thousands of home security products and home security gadgets on the market today all designed to improve your home security. But especially for new homeowners, who are inundated with opportunities to buy things for their home, cost is definitely a factor. But if you could get a home security product to protect your home for under $100, would you?

Just about everybody knows how effective a watchdog is. SWAT and military units around the world have trained dogs as part of their elite teams. A barking, growling dog presents an intimidating obstacle to anyone trying to enter a house. Think back to any time in your life when you were confronted by a barking, growling dog. If the hairs on the back your neck don’t stand up just at the thought of it, there is something wrong.

A police officer was once asked the best way to prevent home burglary. His answer-get a dog. We are not suggesting that you go get a dog, but as a viable alternative you can get the sounds of an angry, growling, barking dog with the Barking Dog Alarmor, as some people call it, the electronic watchdog. It is one of the most effective security alarms at any price.

Once it is plugged in it protects out to 20 feet in an area of a 100 degree arc. When someone enters that protected zone, the sound of a dog barking starts. The sensitivity and volume are both adjustable on this security alarm.

The barking dog alarm may be the most cost effective home security product under one hundred dollars in the world.

Learn more about all of our Home Security Products.

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